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Penguins - Year 2

Autumn Term 2024

I hope that everyone has had a lovely half term break with your families. 

The theme for this half term is 'Incredible Inventors' The information below will let you and your parents know all about the learning that will take place.

English: The children will be learning through the wonderful story of ‘The Dragon Machine’ by Helen Ward. They will have opportunities to write descriptions of characters and settings, the cheeky things that the dragons got up to, the journey of the machine and also to use their own creativity to add to and edit these ideas. By the end of the unit the children will have begun to master the use of 

  • subordination to write complex sentences (because, when, if, that)
  • use past and present tense correctly
  • use expanded noun phrases for description and detail
  • use conjunctions and pronouns to extend and link sentences

Reading and Spelling: Some children have moved off the Read, Write, Inc: Phonics reading programme and will now start working on their comprehension using the RWI comprehensions that provide a learning bridge to longer story books. They will also begin to learn spelling patterns and rules, Lesson s will continue to take place daily. Other children will still be following the Read, Write, Inc. scheme until they are ready to move on. These lessons will incorporate learning phonics sounds, reading and spelling.

Maths: The current unit is addition and subtraction. By the end of the unit the children will have learned to

  • recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100
  • add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including: a two digit number and ones /a two-digit number and tens / two two-digit numbers
  • add three one-digit numbers
  • show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and subtraction of one number from another cannot
  • recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems.
  • solve problems with addition and subtraction: using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers, quantities and measures and applying their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change


Science: The children will be conducting investigations and experiments around the main theme of Dragons.

History: The children will be learning about Significant Individuals from the past.

Design and Technology: The children will be investigating, designing and evaluating linked to the topic of ‘Wheeled Vehicles’

Religion and Worldviews: The focus will be on Christianity -  Why the Bible is a special book.

Computing: This half term the children will be looking at Word Processing and Programming. By the end of the unit they will be able to say:

  • I can save, print and retrieve work with support.
  • I can add and edit text, considering style, colour and layout of font.
  • I can make use of basic editing skills e.g. shift key and Caps Lock for uppercase, question marks and spaces after punctuation.
  • I can give control devices instructions that contain numerical data (e.g. move 2 steps etc.)
  • I can program a ‘bot to follow a pre-planned sequence by giving single commands with an immediate outcome.

Music: The children will learn to play the ukulele with our music specialist Mr Joliffe.

PE will take place on Monday and Friday


Link movements 

Talk about musical stimuli as starting points

Explore actions

Remember and repeat phrases and movements

Compose phrases and movements

Work on their own and with a partner to create a sequence

Ball Skills

Use hitting, kicking and/or rolling in a game

Stay in a ‘zone’ during a game

Decide where the best place to be is during a game

Use one tactic in a game

Follow rules

Homework will continue to be set every Friday. It will be set on Google Classroom and should be returned by the following Thursday. MyMaths is an online site that is used for some maths based activities from Year 2 to 6.

Reading books will be changed every Friday. Please encourage your child to re-read books to develop speed and fluency. You should also ask them lots of questions to develop their comprehension as this is very important at Year 2. 

Any questions please let me know either at the door, make an appointment or via email at

Mr Simon

Learning in Year 2