Tigers - Year 1
Spring Term 1
Tigers, welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, I am really looking forward to another fun half-term with you all!
This half-term we will be focusing on Fairy Tales and Traditional Tales.
Throughout this unit, all children will:
- Use some questions marks.
- Write down some key words and ideas, including some new vocabulary drawn from listening to books.
Children who are working deeper will:
- Make the purpose of their writing clear.
- Use full stops, capital letters and question marks with greater control.
Our Maths focus this half-term is 'Addition and subtraction to 20' and 'Place value to 50'.
Throughout these units the children will:
- Add by counting on.
- Find and make number bonds.
- Add by making 10.
- Subtract - not crossing 10 and crossing 10.
- Find related facts.
- Count to 50 forwards and backwards.
- Understand tens and ones.
- Find one more and one less up to 50.
- Compare and order numbers within 50.
- Count in 2s, 5s and 10s.
In Geography, we will be learning about the UK and weather patterns. During this topic, the children will:
- Name the four countries in the United Kingdom.
- Name some of the main cities in the United Kingdom.
- Identify seasonal weather patterns.
- Observe and describe daily weather patterns.
- Begin to find out about the weather during each season in a hot and cold country.
In Art, we will be exploring the artist Piet Mondrian! During this topic, the children will:
- Explore the artist Piet Mondrian and his work.
- Understand primary and secondary colours.
- Create artwork in the style of Piet Mondrian.
PE will take place on Mondays and Fridays. This half-term the children will be doing Dance and Team Games. Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school each day.
Our PSHE topic will be based on the book ‘Max the Champion. Throughout this topic the children will learn that everybody is different and understand that not all differences can be seen.
In music, we will be focusing on ‘Timbre and Rhythmic Patterns’ with a fairy tale theme. Throughout this unit the children will use their voices expressively, play an instrument to represent characters, compose and play a rhythm, recognise how timbre is used to represent characters in a piece of music and perform part of a story.
In Computing, we are ‘Programming’. During this topic, the children will learn:
- How to use technology safely and respectfully.
- The uses of technology beyond school.
- How to program a floor robot to go forward, backward, left and right.
- How to program a virtual robot to go forward, backward, left and right.
Our Big Question for Spring 1 is, ‘How do we know that someone belongs to a Christian community?’. We will be looking at different communities we belong to e.g. football teams, school, Rainbows, etc. We will then move onto looking at baptism and we will be visiting St. Thomas’ to look at artefacts which are important to Christians.
Our Science topic for this half-term is ‘The Senses’. We will be looking at the five different senses and finding out which part of our body is related to each of them. We will learn that the nose, ears, eyes, skin, and tongue are all organs, and organs are parts of the body that do specific jobs. We will talk about what the children can see, touch, smell, hear or taste, and we will use simple equipment to help us to make observations.
Our vocabulary for this half-term is - head, nose, ear, body.
We will also be continuing with our ‘Seasons’ topic by looking at the season of winter.
The vocabulary for this topic is - summer, autumn, winter, spring, sun, day, moon, night, light, dark.
We have a science star each week. Somebody who added something special to our lessons or completed a super piece of work.
Mr Hamm :D