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Penguins - Year 2

Spring term 2024

Welcome Penguins to Summer term in Year Two. I hope that you had an enjoyable break with your families. 

The theme for this half term is 'Our Wonderful World' The information below will let you and your parents know all about the learning that will take place.


English: The children will be learning through the wonderful story of Tidy by Emily Gravett. They will have opportunities to write persuasive letters, diary entries in the role of a story character, instructional writing, fact files on animals and thank you letters.  By the end of the unit the children will have begun to master the use of 

  • subordination (if, so that)
  • correct punctuation
  • homophones and near homophones
  • adding 'er' and 'est' to adjectives


Read, Write, Inc: Phonics will take place daily, following the Read, Write, Inc. scheme. These lessons will incorporate learning phonics sounds, reading, comprehension and spelling.


Maths: The unit this half term will be 'Time' and 'Position'. By the end of the unit the children will have learned to

  • read and write times to o'clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to
  • read and write times at five minute intervals
  • understand duration of time
  • compare durations of time
  • understand hours and days
  • describe position, movement and turns
  • problem solve with all of the above


Science: The children will be finding out about Plants.


Geography: The children will learn to understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of our local area, and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country


DT: The children will be continuing to develop their skills in designing and building homes before looking at fairtrade foods, tasting and making their own.


Religion and Worldviews: The focus will be on Judaism


Computing: This half term the children will be looking at Internet use and Multimedia: sound

Music: The children will learn to sing and play tuned and untuned musical instruments linked to 'Safari animals: call and response'


PE will take place on Tuesday and Friday

Invasion Games and Athletics


Homework will continue to be set every Friday. It will be set on Google Classroom and should be returned by the following Friday. MyMaths is an online site that is used for some maths based activities from Year 2 to 6.


Reading books will be changed every Friday. There will be one RWI book or a linked book at their level. Please encourage your child to re-read books to develop speed and fluency. You should also ask them lots of questions to develop their comprehension as this is very important at Year 2. 


Any questions please let me know either at the door, make an appointment or via email at


Mr Simon



Reading questions to ask at home
