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Tigers - Year 1

Welcome to Tiger Class!

Summer 1


Tigers, welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break!


English this half term will be text led, focusing on the book ‘Beegu’.

Throughout this unit, all children will:

  • Use some exclamation marks.
  • Use 'and' to join words and clauses.

Children who are working deeper will: 

  • Use noun phrases to give description and detail. 

Read, Write, Inc

Phonics will take place daily, following the Read, Write, Inc. scheme. These lessons will incorporate learning phonics sounds, reading, writing and spelling.


Our Maths focus this half term is Multiplication and Division and Fractions.
By the end of this term, the children will be able to:

  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • Make and add equal groups
  • Make arrays
  • Double numbers and half numbers
  • Make equal groups by sharing and grouping
  • Halve shapes, objects and quantities
  • Find a quarter of a shape, object and quantity


Our Science topic for this half term is ‘Animals including humans’. We will be looking at the differences between animals, classifying them in different ways including by what they eat and the environment in which they live in, comparing their bodies, naming parts of their bodies, naming a variety of domestic animals and sorting pictures of living and non-living things.


Our vocabulary for this term is - fish, reptiles, mammals, birds, amphibians, herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, leg, elbow, arm, head, ear, nose, back, wings, beak.


We will also be continuing with our ‘Seasons’ topic by looking at the season of spring.

The vocabulary for this topic is - summer, autumn, winter, spring, sun, day, moon, night, light, dark.

We have a science star each week. Somebody who added something special to our lessons or completed a super piece of work.


In History, the children will be learning about ‘Seaside Holidays in the Past’. Throughout this unit the children will:

  • Identify features of the seaside
  • Understand what people do on UK seaside holidays
  • Understand what people did on seaside holidays in the past
  • Compare seaside holidays in the past and present
  • Use their senses to describe the seaside


In DT, our topic is ‘Moving Pictures’. Throughout this unit the children will:

  • Create a sliding mechanism
  • Use a lever to create a moving mechanism
  • Design a picture with a moving mechanism
  • Make a moving picture based on a design
  • Evaluate their moving picture


Our Big Question for Summer 1 is, ‘How and why are Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) important to Muslims?’ We will be finding out about Mohammad, Allah and what is a Muslim. This topic will link with what we have learnt during our Christianity topics.


In Computing, the topic is ‘Paint, Draw and Photo Editing’. Throughout this unit the children will:

  • Click and drag items to place them accurately on a screen.
  • Use a range of tools to create an image
  • Use a range of tools to create a story
  • Take photographs and edit them


In PSHE, we will be using the book ‘Mr Grandpa is Amazing’ to explore growing up and getting older. We will also be discussing mental health. The children will:

  • Understand how happy thoughts can make them feel good.
  • Learn how to make good choices and consider the impact of their decisions.
  • Set goals and consider how to achieve them.



PE will take place on Monday’s and Friday’s, please come in to school wearing your PE kit on these days. This half term the children will be focusing on Athletics and Invasion Games.


Our Music topic is ‘By the Sea’. The children will learn that music can be used to represent an environment and changes within the environment. The children will select instruments to match seaside sounds and recognise and use dynamics and tempo.


Mrs Gregg will be teaching the children on Thursday afternoons during my PPA.


Homework will be set on Google Classroom. There will be weekly spellings linked to the Read, Write, Inc. sounds learnt in class. There will also be a maths activity to consolidate the learning from the week. Sometimes there will be other activities to complete linked to the learning from the week. This will be set online on a Friday and needs to be submitted by the following Thursday.


A reading book will be sent home each week. Please read these books more than once if possible to increase fluency. You will change this every Friday so please make sure your reading book is brought back on this day.

There will also be a book set online that you have been reading in school, so you will be familiar with it. Please read this more than once and complete the tasks at the end.


Water bottles

Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school each day.


If anyone has any questions they would like to ask me, please email me at


Many thanks,

Miss Morris
