It is important that children attend school regularly so that their learning is not disrupted and they have consistent access to the curriculum and learning experiences.
Parents are strongly urged to avoid booking a family holiday during term time.
Following guidance from the DfE, on receipt of a leave of absence request, the Head Teacher and the School’s Governing Body will consider whether the circumstances of the request are ‘exceptional’ and communicate to the parent/carer if their request has been approved or not. A leave of absence during term time for the purposes of a holiday is not normally considered to qualify as exceptional and will therefore not be approved.
If a leave of absence goes ahead after a request for approval has been declined, the absence will be recorded on the pupil’s registration record as unauthorised.
If an unauthorised leave of absence is for ten sessions (or five school days) during the current term, the local authority will issue a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) to each of the child’s parents/carers.
Please complete this form including your child's name and class, first date of absence, last date of absence and the total number of days affected. Please also include the reason for the absence. Your request will be reviewed and you will receive notification of the decision.