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Penguins - Year 2

Summer term 2024

Welcome Penguins to our final term in Year Two. I hope that you had an enjoyable break with your families. 

The theme for this half term is  'Old School' The information below will let you and your parents know all about the learning that will take place.


English: The children will be learning through the wonderful story of Jack and the Baked Beanstalk by Colin Stimpson. They will have opportunities to write story retells, character descriptions, setting descriptions, diary entries and persuasive letters  The children will be writing using all the skills they have built up over their time in Key Stage One. Their writing should now start to show more cohesiveness and read well in a narrative style without throwing the reader out of the text. 


Guided Reading: 

For Guided Reading, we will be reading various text and answering questions around the key reading areas:








Maths: The unit this half term will be 'Position and Direction', 'Length and Height, Mass, Capacity and Temperature. By the end of the unit the children will have learned to

  • make sensible estimations in relation to all areas of measurement
  • measure accurately in centimetres and metres using rulers and metre sticks using correct abbreviations cm and m
  •  measure accurately in grams and kilograms using measuring scales using correct abbreviations g and kg
  • measure accurately in millilitres and litres using measuring vessels whilst using correct abbreviations ml and l
  • measure accurately in degrees Celsius using correct abbreviations °C
  • decide the correct unit of measure to use in a given situation, e.g. what unit of measure would we use to measure the mass of an apple?
  • decide on the appropriate measuring tool to use in a given situation, e.g. what would you use to see how much water is in this cup?


Science: The children will be finding out How to keep Healthy.


Geography: The children will learn to understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of our local area.


History: The children will be learning about the areas of Parkgate and Neston in the past.


DT: The children will be continuing to develop their skills in designing and building homes before looking at fairtrade foods, tasting and making their own.


Art: The children will be sketching and painting local landscapes.


Religion and Worldviews: The focus will be on Islam


Computing: This half term the children will be looking at Databases and Graphing, Programming and Control. 

Music: The children will learn about orchestral instruments linked to Traditional Stories.


PE will take place on Tuesday and Friday

Tri Golf

Bat and Ball Skills 


Homework will continue to be set every Friday. It will be set on Google Classroom and should be returned by the following Friday. MyMaths is an online site that is used for some maths based activities from Year 2 to 6.


Reading books will be changed every Friday. There will be one RWI book or a linked book at their level. Please encourage your child to re-read books to develop speed and fluency. You should also ask them lots of questions to develop their comprehension as this is very important at Year 2. 


Any questions please let me know either at the door, make an appointment or via email at


Mr Simon


Reading questions to ask at home
