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RE and Worldviews

Statement of intent

Parkgate Primary recognises the effect that an inclusive teaching style can have on a pupils’ progress, both inside and outside of the school environment. At our school, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum which encompasses spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, in accordance with the locally-agreed syllabus of Cheshire West and Chester. 

The school has created this policy in order to ensure that:

  • All pupils are provided with a balanced and broad curriculum which encompasses the traditions of Great Britain as well as a variety of other mainstream religions and beliefs. 
  • All staff members are aware of planning, assessment, teaching and learning requirements for the RE curriculum. 
  • All pupils know how to plan, practise and evaluate their work. 
  • All pupils understand all elements of RE, as per the locally-agreed curriculum. 
  • All pupils receive a high level of teaching which is maintained at all times. 
  • Community cohesion and high standards of achievement are promoted.
  • Progression of academic achievement occurs consistently throughout the key stages

RE & Worldviews Overview EYFS - Yr 6

End Points


To introduce a variety of faiths and world views, through stories and role-play

Key Stage 1

To become aware that there is more than one religion and different peoples have different ways of following their faith and beliefs.

Key Stage 2

To use a variety of source materials to help the children understand the faiths and beliefs  of others. Use this information to make connections between different stories / sayings and what they teach followers of different religions / worldviews.

To have an empathy for the religious and non-religious views held by members of our society and use these to explore and make personal informed responses to ultimate questions.

On Friday 17th May Parkgate held our annual Faith Day where we celebrated the Judaism faith though different festivals - Purim, Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot and Hanukkah.

Father Kevin came to talk to Year 6 about Easter

Year 1 visited St Thomas' church to look at the building and its artefacts

Father Crinks from St Mary's and St Helen's visited our Lion Cubs.

Year 1 have been using our grounds to explore their Creation topic in RE
